"'동방묘음' 제주 화합의 여정, 세계와 제주를 잇다.."

(현장포커스)2020 설문대 국제명상음악제(2부), 전 세계에서 제주도민에 보내 온 영상에는 제주사랑 가득..

2020-11-13     고현준


“제주도에서 화합의 여정 행사가 열린다는 소식을 들었습니다. 제주도민에게 축복의 인사를 드립니다. 저희들도 빨리 제주도를 방문하고 싶습니다”

“동방묘음과는 오랫동안 만나온 친구입니다. 제주에서 열리는 세계와 마음의 실크로드를 여는 화합의 여정 행사를 축하합니다”

전 세계에서 보내온 제주를 향한 친절하고 따뜻한 목소리가 이어졌다.

본지가 주최한 ‘2020 설문대 국제명상음악제’ 제2부 행사가 지난 12일 저녁 7시부터 삼양동에 위치한 한라마을작은도서관(관장 김동호)에서 제주 화합의 여정 주관으로 열렸다.


이날 행사는 지난 10월25일에 진행된 설문대 국제명상음악제와 이어진 행사로 당초 전 세계 각계 각층 동방묘음의 친구들이 보내온 축하메시지를 현장에서 따로 방영할 계획이었으나 행사 연계가 되지 않아 이번에  2부 행사를 진행하게 된 것이다.

김정민 제주어보전회 이사장이 사회를 맡은 이 자리에서 2부 행사의 첫 부분은 지난 10월25일 열린 2시간 동안 진행된 행사를 20분으로 축약된 내용을 보고, 이어 전세계에서 보내온 동방묘음에게 보내온 영상메세지(40분)를 소개하는 순서로 진행됐다.(전체 동영상 공개)

그리고 다음 행사로 영상감상 후 참석자가 모두 함께 앉아 영성음악에 대해 함께 얘기를 나누는 자리가 이어졌다.

참석자들은 처음 접하는 영성음악에 대해 많은 관심과 궁금증에 질문했고 이에 대한 친절한 설명이 덧붙여져 관심을 이끌었다.

이날 소개된 영상은 전 세계 정치, 외교,  문화, 예술 금융, 유네스코 등 다양한 동방묘음의 친구들이 특별히 제작해 보내온 메시지들로 동방묘음의 세계적인 위상을 실감케 했다.





특히 동방묘음은 유네스코가 후원하는 화합의 여정-마음의 실크로드 프로젝트를 통해 이미 지난 15년간 이를 진행하며  전세계 분쟁지역을 찾아 가 영성의 노래와 각종 행사를 통해 치유와 화합과 평화를  추구하는 활동을 해 온 인물이다.

지난 2월 제주에 온 후 코로나 19로 인해 발이 묶였지만 이번에 제주도와 제주도민을 위한 명상음악제를 진행했던 것이다.

이번 행사 또한 국제적인 인물들과 함께  국제행사로 치러야 하는 것이지만 전세계 영성음악을 하는 예술가들이 코로나로 인해 제주에 올 수가 없어 특별히 영상을 통해 이번 행사에 참여의 뜻을 밝힌 것이라는 점에서 의미가 크다.

더욱이 올 명상음악제는 동방묘음이 중심이 돼 직접 기획, 진행한 행사로 이번 기회를 통해 제주도가 화려하게 세계인들에게 부각되고 있다는 점도 주목할 만한 부분이다.


한편 이날 행사에는 제주돌문문화공원에서 진행된 2020 설문대 국제명상음악제를 주최한 (사)설문대 이재형 이사장 부부가 참석했고 (사)아리랑보존회 강소빈 이사장이 제자들과 제주어보전회 허성수 초대 이사장과 권문철 교육홍보부장, 문무병 박사 등 50여명이 참석, 자리를 빛냈다.

또한 강소빈 이사장은 제자들과 함께 참석하고 오프닝 행사로 아리랑을 불러 참석자들의 찬사를 받았다.

이번 행사는 명산전력기술(주) 제주지사(지사장 고용완)와 한라마을작은도서관(관장 김동호), 월간 다도(발행인 강법선), 성림힐링춤연구소(소장 현경희(김봉진 부부)), 제주어보전회(이사장 김정민), 서울아동병원(원장 박양동) 등이 후원했다.

(추신 : 영상 편집은 이번 행사를 모두 촬영한 고용완 감독이 국내편을 맡아 몇날 며칠 고행끝에 완성했다는 점 그 노고에 감사드립니다. 그리고 해외편은 중국 베이징 동방묘음 소속사가 맡아 진행했습니다.  짧은 시간 관계로 많은 어려움을 겪었다고 들었습니다. 그 노고에 감사드립니다. 그리고 2부 행사 당일 다과를 후원하고 준비해 주신 김정민 이사장과 권문철 위원장에게 감사드립니다)




다음은 전세계에서 동방묘음의 이번 행사에 보내온 축하 영상메시지를 영어로 정리한 내용이다.



코로나시대 제주에서 세계로 쏘아올린 빛과 희망의 신호

A Signal of Light and Hope to the World from Jeju Island in the Age of Covid-19

While the whole world is flooded by Covid 19 and submerged under panic and fear, Jeju Island is emerging as the "New Noah's Ark in the East", the Island of Meditation, Healing and Transformation, a model community Living in Harmony with Nature receiving world attention through the effort of Dong Bang Myoeum and a small band of Jeju Isalanders who are inspired by Dong Bang Myoeum's love and vision for Jeju. Dong Bang Myoeum - Lixin the Mystic Voice, a world-renowned spiritual music creator who has traveled 250,000 kilometers around the world to heal the land and hearts through her Journey of Harmony concerts, was stranded in Jeju Island by the Corona flood since the beginning of February. She poured her gratitude and love for Jeju and her vision and dream for her beloved Jeju in her public performance on October 25th at Jeju Stone Park – Opening Jeju’s Heart Silk Road to the world with the Song of Love of Goddess-Mother Seolmundae (Creator in Jeju Myth).

At this significant world time, Dong Bang Myoeum and her Jeju friends, launched 2020 International Meditation Music Ceremony at Jeju Stone Park to send a healing message of Love and Unity to the world from Jeju Island.

This initiative received enthusiastic response and support of Dong Bang Myoeum’s friends from all over the world. World-renowned artists and influential personalities in various fields sent in messages and participation videos from Israel, South Africa, United States, Canada, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, England, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Saudi Arabia, Peru, Australia and China. These messages and videos and the highlight of the Oct 25th Ceremony are compiled into one film with Korean subtitle, shown to the people of Jeju Island on the evening of November 12, 2020.


1. Mijal Natan, world renowned dancer/cherographer, Founder of COMPAS Dance Company in Israel, “ranked as one of Israel’s best creators”, made a special video for the Opening of Jeju’s Heart Silk Road with her dancing to Dong Bang Myoeum’s Music in the Holy Land.

2. From the heartland of Africa where a Temple for Peace is being built, a moving message came from South African sculptor Andries Botha, who shared Mandela’s vision and work in social justice and ending the racial separation policy in South Africa, and whose sculptures and ecological projects for a Soulful Living Planet are impacting the African continent for a better future.

Dear Lixin (Dong Bang Myoeum),

I was wondering what I could say to you on the advent of your auspicious event that would beat testimony and light into the weight and dust of our failing humanity. Your significance of singing into this bruised planet different Co ordinates of our humanity, beyond the soulless construction of our logic and mechanization that we readily measure our modernity by is what I witness and speak to now. Regrettably I know too little of your collective endeavors in Jeju to speak with clarity, conviction and authenticity.

I can however affirm and embrace you in the nobility and courage of your purpose and conviction to raise your enchantment into my turbulent void at this significant world time. I have personally felt and witnessed your intensity and sincerity as you wept over the frustration that we all feel as we begin to ride the light and then feel the waves of resistance as entrenched interests are defended and the light assaulted. I also witnessed your internal struggle as you slowly redefined your own purpose within the resolve and clarity of your and your collective commitment to a living soulful planet where the light will prevail.

I also acknowledge how significant it is that I and my fellow eco warriors from South Africa gather comfort from a shared agenda and struggle of commitment to a different future where we can live in a living, soulful and healthier planet, shared as a common destiny that is a living future. These shared values transcend borders, fence, walls, nations and find commonality in our bonded humanity that is a molecular composite of all other life on this beautiful, blue planet.

From Durban, South Africa, located on the Blue Nile heart meridian on the East Coast of Africa, I see and feel you my sisters and brothers in Jeju! as you embark on opening up new modalities of humanity to the world.

Thank you for your courage, work and vision.

Respectfully, Andries

3. Kim Johnston, International Award Winning Canadian Filmmaker & TV program producer sent congratulation message for Jeju’s Heart Silk Road along with the opening scene - a white horse running across the hills and plain - from his award winning movie “The Last Winter” according to Dong Bang Myoeum’s request.

4. “在中韩建交二十周年的时候,我去过济州岛,我把那个岛的上下全部走过了。我特别喜欢那个岛。那个石头,火山,打鱼的女人。。。特别有故事传说。所以我觉得济州岛是一个特别适合国际化的一个环境, 一个语境。因为我觉得大家在那儿,东方文明和西方文明,在那儿,形成一个交汇点,一个碰撞点,一个集中点,或者是一个桥头堡,或者是一个要塞,我觉得济州岛是最好的选择。这一次明山和妙音在石公园,在济州岛,跟石公园的朋友们,跟济州岛的岛民们,大家一起来以国际的胸怀,以人类的视野,来做这么一次壮举的话,我认为这是一个非常好的开端。我在北京遥远祝福,祝福这次活动成功,我希望后面我们大家能因此而形成一个人类的心灵的鸟巢,在那里筑一个心灵的鸟巢,我们在这个鸟巢里,可以放飞一个和平的妙音鸟。我觉得这是非常重要的一步。

-赵湛鸣(CCTV Documentary Director)

5. Pixie, a visionary leader and healer of Australian aboriginal community, sent a special message to Jeju from Australia with photos of kangaroos and sharing the reverence and special connection that the Aboriginal people hold to the land and animals - a reverence and connection that is long lost in the modern world.

6. “For the brothers and sisters in Jeju my best wishes for your magnificent and really needed project right now for the current situation what the world is going through.

-Dr. Luis De La Calle, Incas Flutist from Peru, Faculty of Education and Science, University of Geneva, Switzerland

7. “Dearest Dong Bang Myoeum, my old friend from old times, dearest people from Jeju Island, I really want to wish all the best wishes for the Ceremony you are organizing in your island. Israel is a kind of Isle surrounded by countries that we are not in peace with. You are an Isle too. We are very old cultures.

You and us. I think we have to share it together to make an intercultural bridge. It’s very important always, but specially today. The world is now in a very challenged situation. A lot of old structures have to fall down, a lot of new buildings and bridges have to be built. And we have to do the work. So I hope, I am sure, we can make a human network, in which we will make again a New Culture, a New Point of View.

- Yossi Morgenstein, Founder/Director of Morgenstein Healing Center in Israel, Founding Chairman of TCM Association in Israel

8. “Right now we are celebrating with all of our family in Jeju Island at Jeju Stone Park, to open up Jeju’s Heart Silk Road, and establish Jeju as a center of Peace, Unity and Cultural Harmony in East Asia. We are in California, but we hope to visit you one day very soon.

- Pato & Antoinett, Leading Reggae musicians from California, US

9. “Beloved people of Jeju island, my dear friend Lixin (Dong Bang Myoeum), I am making this video (for you) especially from here, from the Jordan river pouring into the Sea of Galilee in the north of Israel, connecting this powerful spot with the Portal, the divine portal of Jeju Island (that you are opening), knowing that only through UNION, and Mutual Movement, we can save our species and our planet, and flourishing in this amazing paradise that we have received.

- Uria Tsur, Producer of Sacred Journey Festival in Israel, Singer & Conductor of Singing Circles

10. “...尤其这次疫情,让我们更加感受到了我们作为世界的公民,我们的命运共同体,我们是如此深切地要融合在一起。同时,我也能够深切地感受到,从济州岛到长沙再到以色列,我们是可以形成一个全球的金三角,让我们的爱,我们的祝福,我们的文化,能够伴随着世界和之旅而散播到全世界。我非常非常地感恩和感动,东方老师给我们带来的大爱和智慧,以及这个灵性的音乐对我们的内心心灵的疗伤。其实我们的伤痛不仅仅来自于疫情,还有这个世界每天在发生的各种纷争,各种割裂。但是我相信,和之旅一定是主流。祝福。期待我能够早一天来到济州岛。

-David Huang (黄庆玺), Founder/CEO, China Israel Bio Tech Group Corporation

11. ”I would like to thank Lixin for the introduction of the Jeju Island Stone Park. And we had a very, very inspiring concert in Beijing when I was there. In our concert we did many improvisations on both Chinese ancient music and poetry, and also Hebrew –my own language, Hebrew and Jewish poetry and folk music. And it was very inspiring for me to do such concert in Beijing with Lixin. One of my dreams is to do such concert with Lixin in the Jeju Stone Park.

- Amit Weiner, Israel Composer/Pianist, Head of Interdisciplinary Composing at Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance

12. Ben Bowler, Executive Director of UNITY EARTH sent congratulation and blessing for Jeju’s Heart Silk Road Project from Australia on behalf of the Unity Earth Family all around the world.

“...I have great memories of visiting Jeju Island in 2019 when I went there with Lixin (Dong Bang Myoeum) and with Richard (Ming Shan) and many others. I am excited by what you are doing with this Jeju’s Heart Silk Road to the World. And I look forward to seeing all the good works be very very fruitful.”

13. “...As you are working tirelessly to promote a culture of peace, compassion, a spirit of world citizenship, and also reverence for life from Jeju Island, and also to make jeju Island as a Center of Excellency for International Peace Center, I bring you greetings of peace and blessings on behalf of members of United Religions Initiative (URI) from one hundred and ten (110) countries. Jeju is a beacon of Peace, and indeed Jeju is an Island of International Peace. So your effort to make this happen is something that needs to be supported. And we are fully with you. As Jeju is an island known for its natural wilderness, and it’s also one of the world’s new seven Wonder of nature, it is high time to preserve Jeju Island as it is a treasure to the world.

- Ambassador Mussie Hailu, Ethiopia, Africa, Director of Global Partnership for URI, Representative of URI to the African Union and to the United Nations.

14. Sarir Kamalabadi, a Student at Townshend International School in Czech Republic, sent in a video of him playing a popular song on guitar “Scarborough Fair” for Jeju Islanders.

15. Rev. Sara Jolena Wolcott, an eco spiritual minister emerging from the Quaker traditions sent a heart moving message to the people of Jeju from New York.

“...I’ve heard about you from my friend Lixin (Dong Bang Myoeum) and about the work you are doing to come together now and to be a place of peace. And I just want to say “Thank you”.

I know it’s not easy. I know that sometimes what you’ve been through can prevent you what you are called to do now. But the stories that I’ve heard, who you as a people are, is that YOU ARE MORE THANK YOUR PAST, and you are a people who can HELP TO LEAD US INTO WHERE WE NEED TO GO. So I thank you for your courage and for listening to your ancestors, and for attending the sacred stones, and the winds of the mountains, and for listening to the voice in the Silence. I offer you many blessings as you go down this path.

16. Pepe Danza, world-renowned musician who had concert with Dong Bang Myoeum in Jeju Stone Park in 2019 and his wife, Julia (Human Design Specialist from Israel) sent their blessings from Slovakia:

“ ...We want to send you blessings and remind you that you are a focus of energy, and you have the power to spread the energy of peace in the world. Korea, beautiful people, beautiful land. We miss you all, our tribe.“

17. Yin, a Performing Artist with Gongs and Metals, sent a powerful video “A Prayer for Jeju” with her playing Gong from Saudi Arabia.

18. “...In this special occasion of making the spiritual bond between Jeju and Israel, I pray for your Jeju team to be a real and influencing Army of Light. I wish you to be the torch and light for the whole world; And for Jeju to become the cradle of Divine Civilization, along with Israel; That this heart connection will sow peace and health in Israel; That we – and all nations in the world – will be in LOVE and Unity. “

- Orna Rachel Wiener, scholar, healer, and painter from Israel

19. Jonas Wahnon, Musician from Germany, sent his composition piece in viola “Moonlight in the Clouds” to congratulate the opening of Jeju’s Heart Silk Road to the world.

20. Last but not the least is a hearty congratulation message from Annick Thébia Melsan, UNESCO Silk Road Programme sent from Valencia, Spain.

“...I learned about the Korea wonderful Jeju Island from my friend Lixin Chen (Dong Bang Myoeum) who is an inspired artist that is doing a fantastic job, as a cultural ambassador for Jeju Island.

So I really think that in this time of craziness, in the pandemic, terrible time that we are living in the world, a place like the Jeju Island is a place that is reflecting the possibility of living in peace, living in a beautiful place close to nature and environment, and mixing art and spirituality, again, art, art, art, nature, peace, and the capacity for mutual understanding.

We met during the UNESCO meetings that I organized in the city of Melilla, a Spanish city in northern Africa, and we had a very interesting meeting of the Silk Road and Spirituality. So it’s time to get the best of the Silk Road Legacy, and it’s time to think about what we can all of us do for each other, in the spiritual vision of peace, progress, and dialogue. Bravo to the Jeju Island project, and bravo, Lixin (Dong Bang Myoeum).

An anecdote from UNESCO Silk Road World Expert Meeting 2019

From 22 to 26 January 2019, Dong Bang Myoeum was invited to a world expert meeting on Silk Road Legacy and Spirituality in Melilla, Spain organized by UNESCO. At the opening ceremony, Dong Bang Myoeum gave a keynote presentation on Journey of Harmony the Heart Silk Road and Jeju Stone Park, which caused great excitement. During the conference, Dong Bang Myoeum also proposed to add Jeju as an important connecting point in the Sea Silk Road, which was agreed by all the experts. The city of Melilla would like to make sister city relationship with Jeju and bring their rich colorful cultural performances to Jeju. All participants are looking forward to visit Jeju and Jeju Stone Park in the future.


(This English article was writened by Ja Yeon Jung)